Pharmacy Chains And Small Branches

General Shelves

Most of the pharmacy chain’s commercial area is taken up by various items for purchase. Toiletries, cleaning products, detergents, baby care items and more. This is a large area that allows almost unlimited marketing activity on its shelves: three-dimensional signs, scented products, stickers and the like.

These stores often also have display windows that enable exposure from the street of shopping center plaza; areas frequented by many consumers. We know how to utilize display windows to create significant product visibility for our clients.

For our clients in the pharmacy and grocery fields (Link to ‘Customer’ page)

Images – Insert whatever pictures you want from the pharmacy photoshoot.

Methods of Operation in Commercial Chains and Neighborhood Shops

Commercial Chains – Large Branches (Discount stores)

Discount shops are 2,000 meter or larger stores. These shops are characterized by having wide aisles and shelves holding a variety of merchandise: food, non-food and near food. These stores also have wide checkout areas allowing for a point of encounter with the customer while waiting paying at the cash. Benefit is highly experienced in spreading out throughout the commercial space and constructing standout advertisements for the brands on the shelves and all over the store; from ceiling installations to floor stickers, three-dimensional products to seemingly fixed signs and more.

Neighborhood stores

The neighborhood stores are relatively small, taking up no more than 500-1000 meters of retail space. The main challenge is to promote sales and advertising in small and crowded commercial areas, ensuring that the products stand out just like at large branches. We know how to match the sales and visual elements to the smaller shelf spaces.

On the other hand, the proximity between the different types of shelves and the items they house enable us to create cross-category advertisements with great ease. The ceiling is also lower in small stores, allowing us to hang ceiling installations effortlessly. In these stores, the entryway tends to also serve as an exit point and so the sales and visual advertising methods must differ from those employed at large stores, where different doors exist for entering and exiting.